Entrez_ID | Symbol | HCC/AllTumor | HCC/AllAdjacent | HCC/Adjacent | Liver/OtherNormal | Median | Mean | No. of Up | No. of Down | Prognosis |
Entrez_ID | Symbol | HCC/AllTumor | HCC/AllAdjacent | HCC/Adjacent | Liver/OtherNormal | Median | Mean | No. of Up | No. of Down | Prognosis |
Annotations of Column Names of the Table
Annotations of Column Names of the Table
HCC/AllTumor、HCC/AllAdjacent、HCC/Adjacent、Liver/OtherNormal are values of fold change in log2 scale
Median is the median value of fold change in log2 scale of the gene in HCCDB, Mean is the mean value of fold change in log2 scale of the gene in HCCDB
No. of Up is the numbers of HCCDB in which the gene is regard up-regulated, No. of Down is the numbers of HCCDB in which the gene is regard down-regulated
UNF\F\NS means the prognostic performance of the gene is unfavorable\favorable\not significant